Pussy Riot
"There are no facts, only interpretations"
STEP TWO: Put your paradoxical plan into effect--do it with zest. Paradoxical intention: Do what you fear! (Don't try to increase the...
chi mi ama mi segua.
So abhorrent to nature it cannot exist
According to this central mystery of most authority, there is only one Asshole in three persons: while distinct from one another in their...
INTERCHANGABLE: anus/asterisk/cyclotron/blackhole
BF: wait wormball is enemus the antithesis the sphincter is god? ​CD: the sphincter could work BF: cyclops is father ​CD: pulsating in...
Sphinctum Fidei
BF: if we use the Scutum Fidei for cyclops the "shield of faith" we can either put cyclops at the center and find a father/son/holy...
die Rattenkönig
BF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king_ they'd make a lovely couple Rat King seems like the horrible squirming masses unified in their...